Armed with Seafarm oysters and a bottle of Hermit Gin

Don Ostra

Enter between your guests and bring together 2 worlds.

He offers your guests a Seafarm oyster, preferably in its pure form, so that the oyster can do its job in taste experience.

Next, a shot Hermit coastal gin is served in the oyster shell.

After eating the oyster and drinking the gin from the oyster shell is a smile 99 guaranteed.
A taste experience that you always keep.

Hermit Gin met Schelp en droogijs
Unrivalled taste

Why Don Ostra?

Don Ostra has entered into a collaboration with Seafarm oysters and Hermit Dutch coastal gin.

As a result, Don Ostra is assured of fresh oysters selected by himself and a wonderful added taste experience in the form of Hermit Dutch coastal gin.

Unrivalled taste

An experience that you will always stay with

Seafarm Oesters
Naturally pure brine spring water from a source of 70 meters depth


The oysters are diluted in natural pure brine spring water from a source of 70 meters depth at an average temperature of 2 degrees Celcius. This ensures a constant quality of the oysters, even in the summer!

Refreshing citrus flavour with a touch of brine.

Hermit Gin

Hermit Gin is made with the same pure saline spring water as where the oysters are diluted. Thereby matched her soft light briny citrus flavor perfectly with the oyster.

Oesters & Gin
Oesters & Dick
An experience that you will always stay with

Don Ostra

Don Ostra is between your guests and brings together these two worlds. He offers your guests a Seafarm oyster, preferably in her pure form so that the oyster can do her work in taste and after that a shot Hermit gin is poured into the oyster shell. After eating the Oyster & drinking The gin is a smile 99 guaranteed. A taste experience that is never forgotten.

Are you looking for an experience that you always stay with?
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